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Credit Types

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Viewing 1 - 30 of 52 courses found matching your search criteria.
396 courses total.

K-2 ECRI Training
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16227

This two day training is designed for teachers to learn the why and how of utilizing predictable, explicit instructional routines based int he science of reading for teaching foundational skill in Wonders utilizing the ECRI charts and routines.

Elementary Reading & Writing
Credits Available
12.00 OPI Credits
12.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 2 total)
Section 2
Section 2: K-2 ECRI Training August 20-21, 2024   Aug 20, 2024

3rd Grade: Multiplication Strategies and Facts Rooted in Reasoning
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16229

This training for BPS 3rd grade teacher will focus on learning multiplication facts in a way that is rooted in reasoning by developing procedural fluency on conceptual knowledge. Engaging students in multiplication fact strategies that use number relationships, benchmarks, conceptual understanding and flexibility is key to building fluency. Resources utilized will be our adopted Eureka Math Squared curriculum along with other resources on our BPS Simple Plan. This training will include resear

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Elementary Math
Credits Available
6.00 OPI Credits
6.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 3 total)
Section 3
Section 3: 3rd Grade: Multiplication Strategies and Facts Rooted in Reasoning   Aug 22, 2024

2024 Grades 3-5 Foundational Skills with Wonders
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16232

This professional development is designed for all teachers in grades 3-5 to learn the why and how of utilizing predictable, explicit instructional routines based in the science of reading for teaching phonics & fluency in Wonders.

Elementary Reading & Writing
Credits Available
6.00 OPI Credits
6.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 2 total)
Section 2
Section 2: Grades 3-5 Foundational Skills with Wonders August 19, 2024   Aug 19, 2024

Seeing Stars Lindamood Bell Training for specific teachers at Arrowhead, Alkali, Beartooth, Bitterroot, Broadwater, Burlington, Central Heights, Miles, Newman, Orchard, Poly
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16233

This two-day training is designed for teachers to learn how to implement the Seeing Stars program. This intervention program helps students develop a sight word base and move from analytic reading (decoding each word slowly) to global reading (relying on orthographic maps to recognize words by sight). Students can see corresponding letters of words in their mind which helps them self-correct their errors while reading.

Elementary Reading & Writing
Credits Available
14.00 OPI Credits
14.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 2 total)
Section 2
Section 2: Seeing Stars August 12-13, 2024   Aug 12, 2024

Visualizing & Verbalizing Lindamood Bell Training for specific teachers at Arrowhead, Alkali, Beartooth, Bitterroot, Broadwater, Burlington, Central Heights, Miles, Newman, Orchard, Poly
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16234

This two-day training is designed for teachers to learn how to implement the Visualizing and Verbalizing program. This intervention program is designed for students who struggle with comprehending the bigger picture and higher order thinking. Teachers help students figure out how to structure words to verbalize concrete descriptive elements.

Elementary Reading & Writing
Credits Available
14.00 OPI Credits
14.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 2 total)
Section 2
Section 2: Visualing & Verbalizing August 14-15, 2024   Aug 14, 2024

2024 Poverty Simulation: An Interactive Trauma-Invested Learning Experience
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16235

Participants take on the role of a person and family in poverty. They go to work, school, and try to meet their needs during 4 simulated weeks lasting 15 minutes each and manage the experiences that arise through their days. The session ends with a debrief and some opportunities for community action.
Through this experience, participants can expect the following outcomes: Increase Empathy: While poverty can never be fully simulated, this experience provides a glimpse of the struggles and

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Elementary High School Middle School
Credits Available
3.00 OPI Credits
3.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (2 of 2 total)
Section 1
Section 1: Poverty Simulation August 13, 2024   Aug 13, 2024
Section 2
Section 2: Poverty Simulation August 27, 2024   Aug 27, 2024

PREPaRE Workshop 1 for K-12 Counselors, Nurses, School Mental Health Staff, & Administrators
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16236

In this 1-day workshop participants will learn how to establish and sustain comprehensive school safety efforts that attend to both physical and psychological safety. The workshop addresses critical components needed to develop, exercise, and evaluate safety and crisis teams and plans and conduct building vulnerability assessments. The model also integrates school personnel and community provider roles in providing school-based crisis preparedness and response activities. Additional topics addre

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No tags found.
Credits Available
7.00 OPI Credits
7.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 2 total)
Section 2
Section 2: PREPaRE Workshop 1 forK-12 Counselors, Nurses, School Mental Health Staff, & Administrators August 19, 2024   Aug 19, 2024

PREPaRE Workshop 2 K-12 Counselors, Nurses, & School Mental Health Staff
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16237

This 2-day workshop develops the knowledge and skill required to provide immediate mental health crisis interventions to the students, staff, and school community members who have been simultaneously exposed to an acute traumatic stressor. The knowledge and skill developed within this session also help to build a bridge to the psychotherapeutic and trauma-informed mental health response sometimes required to address challenges associated with trauma exposure. This workshop is an excellent course

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No tags found.
Credits Available
13.00 OPI Credits
13.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 3 total)
Section 2
Section 2: PREPaRE Workshop 2 K-12 Counselors, Nurses, & School Mental Health Staff August 20-21, 2024   Aug 20, 2024

Grades 1-5: Read-Draw-Write & Tape Diagrams through the Grades
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16238

This training will help teachers engage their students in the Read-Draw-Write process & and how to use tape diagrams as "tools to make sense & solve". Through various activities, participants will learn more about the progression of tape diagrams throughout the grades. They will engage in the Read-Draw-Write process in a way that supports student learning. Teachers will have time to apply what they learn in their own EM2 lessons.

Bring a Device.

Elementary Math
Credits Available
3.00 OPI Credits
3.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (2 of 4 total)
Section 3
Section 3: Grades 1-5: Read-Draw-Write & Tape Diagrams Through the Grades August 21, 2024 AM   Aug 21, 2024
Section 4
Section 4: Grades 1-5: Read-Draw-Write & Tape Diagrams Through the Grades August 21, 2024 PM   Aug 21, 2024

2024 ST Math Novice Training for Year 1 Teachers
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16239

Participants will learn the basics of implementing ST Math (including updates). They will immerse themselves in a variety of hands-on experiences that will help them understand the “what and why” of ST Math. Educators will also learn how to assign ST to align to core instruction. Learning how to efficiently use ST Reports to motivate and support students will also be addressed.

Bring a Laptop/Device

Elementary Math New Hires
Credits Available
3.00 OPI Credits
3.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 1 total)
Section 1
Section 1: ST Math Novice Training for Year 1 Teachers   Aug 15, 2024

ST Puzzle Talks & Assignment Training
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16240

Connecting ST Puzzles to our EM2 curriculum and learning targets is so empowering to our students. During this session, participants will learn how to leverage ST Puzzle Talks to make connections, uncover and stretch student thinking. Implementing ST Puzzle Talks as a fluency/number sense routine will be modeled & explored.

Bring: Laptop/Device

Elementary Math
Credits Available
3.00 OPI Credits
3.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 1 total)
Section 1
Section 1: ST Puzzle Talks & Assignments Training   Aug 15, 2024

BPS Math Instruction-EM2 Launch & Teach (Year 1 New Teachers)
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16241

In this 1-day training, new teachers will better understand the structure of the district's adopted Eureka Math Squared (EM2) resource, and how to effectively utilize this with students. This training will prepare educators to leverage the resource components to improve engagement, teachability, and accessibility. Participants should leave this session knowing how to efficiently utilize the BPS Proficiency Scales, EM2 adopted resource, and the components & structure of an effective math bl

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Elementary Math New Hires
Credits Available
6.00 OPI Credits
6.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 1 total)
Section 1
Section 1: BPS Math Instruction-EM2 Launch & Teach (Year 1 New Teachers)   Aug 26, 2024

K-5 Make Learning Visible with Seesaw
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16242

This workshop will focus on the multimodal tools and formative assessment features within Seesaw that help students make their thinking and learning visible. Teachers will learn how to utilize the multimodal tools within Seesaw to help students share their learning, and explore Seesaw activities that are already created that align with district adopted resources. We will also explore the formative assessment creation tool within Seesaw and teachers will have the opportunity to create formative a

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Elementary Technology
Credits Available
3.00 OPI Credits
3.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 1 total)
Section 1
Section 1: K-5 Make Learning Visible With Seesaw   Aug 19, 2024

K-5 Tech Summit
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16243

During this interactive and hands-on Tech Summit teachers will participate in a variety of roundtable experiences and discussions centered around digital citizenship, effective technology integration and Artificial Intelligence in education. Teacher-led groups will focus on the technology standards of: Impact, Inclusive, Informed, Engaged, Balanced and Alert. Teachers will learn best practices and digital tools that support each standard, then have the opportunity to explore and create using a v

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Elementary Technology
Credits Available
6.00 OPI Credits
6.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 1 total)
Section 1
Section 1: K-5 Tech Summit   Aug 22, 2024

2024 Newline Interactive Board Training (K-12 Teachers)
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16244

Teachers will have the opportunity to learn about Newline interactive boards. We will share the basics of getting started with Newline boards, as well as an overview of best practices for using the boards to integrate seamlessly into classroom curriculum and instruction. Participants will have time to explore the board hands-on, as well as collaborate and share ideas with other participants. Teachers should bring a laptop so they can sign up for a Newline Engage Cloud account and learn how to na

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Elementary High School Middle School Technology
Credits Available
2.00 OPI Credits
2.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 1 total)
Section 1
Section 1: Newline Interactive Board Training (K-12 Teachers)   Aug 26, 2024

Elementary Tier 1 & 2 Restorative Practices: Using Circles for Community Building, Norm Setting and Problem Solving
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16245

Establishing restorative practices begins with a strong emphasis on community connection and belonging. Circle practices are a very simple but profound way to strengthen relationships, lay a foundation for restorative conversations, and teach a relational approach to healing harm in the community. Come prepared to practice a circle and leave with all you need to lead your own circles!

Behavior Elementary
Credits Available
6.00 OPI Credits
6.00 Trade Credits
6.00 Step-Up Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 1 total)
Section 1
Elementary Tier 1 & 2 Restorative Practices: Using Circles for Community Building, Norm Setting and Problem Solving   Aug 26, 2024

Adapted Music
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16246

This course is designed to give Instructional tools and strategies for adapted music in the self-contained classroom. The agenda includes: Defining and Redefining Success Making Goals for Self-Contained Classrooms Classroom Management for Students with Disabilities Tips for Music with Specific Diagnosis Tools and Supports for Students A Deeper Look at Lesson Structure according to Evidence-Based Practices

No tags found.
Credits Available
4.00 OPI Credits
4.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 1 total)
Section 1
Section 1: Adapted Music   Aug 26, 2024

2024 Functions of Behavior and Tier 1 Classroom Intervention & Data Collection
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16247

This course is for elementary and middle school teachers to learn about the functions of behavior, how to hypothesize a function and functionally-related classroom-level behavior interventions. Additionally we will go over and provide resources for the following topics: how to define a target behavior; how to implement a behavior intervention; and how to collect progress monitoring data.

Credits Available
3.00 OPI Credits
3.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 1 total)
Section 1
Section 1: 2024 Functions of Behavior and Tier 1 Classroom Intervention & Data Collection   Aug 27, 2024

2024 Supporting Student with Anxiety and ADHD in the Classroom
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16248

There is a growing number of students either diagnosed or undiagnosed that exhibit qualities and behaviors of students with ADHD, and Anxiety in our classrooms. This course will review the characteristics and behaviors of students with each of the previously mentioned disorders as well as strategies and accommodations for supporting them in the general education classroom

Credits Available
3.00 OPI Credits
3.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 1 total)
Section 1
Section 1: Supporting Students with Anxiety and ADHD in the Classroom   Aug 27, 2024

Apple Teacher Certification: iPad, Mac & Swift Playgrounds
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16249

Apple Teacher Portfolio is a free professional learning program designed to support educators using Apple products for teaching and learning. This self-paced course allows teachers to build skills and an understanding of Apple tools on both Mac and iPad devices. Each phase of lesson planning as teachers build their Apple Teacher Portfolio offers a unique opportunity to design more meaningful learning experiences with iPad and Mac. When teachers build an Apple Teacher Portfolio, they’re encoura

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Credits Available
12.00 OPI Credits
12.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 1 total)
Section 1
Section 1: Apple Teacher Certification: IPad, Mac & Swift Playgrounds   Asynchronous course.

Intercepting BPS with Amplify Math
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16252

Our math teacher leaders will lead this half-day training and share successful strategies for adapting our Amplify curriculum and the updated YAG. We'll explore how to use real teacher tips to foster confident, resilient problem-solvers, driving our students toward innovative math applications in the real world.

Math Middle School
Credits Available
3.00 OPI Credits
3.00 Trade Credits
3.00 Step-Up Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 3 total)
Section 3
August AM   Aug 21, 2024

Middle School Kick-Off
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16257

This day-long training is for middle school new hires and their mentors. It will be an introduction to the district, a meet and greet with mentors, and the many experts available to assist you in your teaching journey in Billings School District. You can expect to be more prepared to be a successful professional for BPS while also finding a rhythm for district digital systems. This is the perfect way to kick off your start at BPS or middle school.

This day will be welcoming and include lunc

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Middle School New Hires
Credits Available
6.00 OPI Credits
6.00 Trade Credits
6.00 Step-Up Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 1 total)
Section 1
Middle School Kick Off   Aug 19, 2024

Google Classroom Skills Shop
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16259

In this course, you will use Google Classroom to engage your students. As you complete the course you will create a new class in Google Classroom, invite students to your class and assign various types of classwork. Google Classroom makes it easy for teachers and students to keep track of grades and assignments. After completing this course, you will have the tools to effectively incorporate Google Classroom into your curriculum.

Elementary Middle School Technology
Credits Available
3.00 OPI Credits
3.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 1 total)
Section 1
Section 1: Google Classroom Skills Shop   Asynchronous course.

AI for Teachers
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16260

This course will introduce teachers to the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its applications in education. Teachers will learn how AI technologies can enhance classroom instruction, personalize learning experiences, and streamline administrative tasks. Educators will also explore ethical considerations related to AI in education and how to integrate AI tools effectively into their teaching practices. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and s

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Elementary Middle School Technology
Credits Available
3.00 OPI Credits
3.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 1 total)
Section 1
Section 1: AI for Teachers   Asynchronous course.

2024-25 Seesaw Ambassador Course
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16261

This course is available only to teachers who have been invited to complete the Fast Track Seesaw Ambassador course by Traci Piltz and/or their administrator. In this course, teachers will accelerate their Seesaw skills and develop an understanding of resources and tools to support other teachers in their building. To successfully complete the course, teachers must access the content via the Seesaw Learning Hub and complete tasks within each module to demonstrate an understanding of the content.

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Elementary Technology
Credits Available
3.00 OPI Credits
3.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 1 total)
Section 1
Section 1: 2024-25 Seesaw Ambassador Course   Asynchronous course.

Seesaw Refresh Course for Ambassadors and Certified Educators 2024 (Seesaw Learning Hub)
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16262

This course is only available to teachers who are CURRENTLY Seesaw Ambassadors or Seesaw Certified Educators. The Refresh course provides in-depth Seesaw knowledge and resources to Seesaw Community Members who are leaders in their schools. Teachers will register to take the course on the Seesaw Learning Hub using the link in their Seesaw Toolkit, then complete the course requirements. Teachers will receive a certificate of completion once the Refresh course is completed. IMPORTANT: In order to r

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Elementary Technology
Credits Available
2.00 OPI Credits
2.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 1 total)
Section 1
Section 1: Seesaw Refresh Course for Ambassadors and Certified Educators 2024 (Seesaw Learning Hub)   Asynchronous course.

Middle School Tier 1 & 2 Restorative Practices: Using Circles for Community Building, Norm Setting and Problem Solving
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16266

Establishing restorative practices begins with a strong emphasis on community connection and belonging. Circle practices are a very simple but profound way to strengthen relationships, lay a foundation for restrative conversations, and teach a relational approach to healing harm in the community. Come prepard to practice a circle and leave with all you need to lead your own circles!

Behavior High School Middle School
Credits Available
6.00 OPI Credits
6.00 Trade Credits
6.00 Step-Up Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 1 total)
Section 1
Middle School Tier 1 & 2 Restorative Practices: Using Circles for Community Building, Norm Setting and Problem Solving   Aug 26, 2024

Cultural Immersion, An Introduction to Crow Fair
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16268

This course introduces teachers to the history, traditions, and the annual events of Crow Fair. Emphasis is on interdisciplinary approaches to exploring how cultural processes and artifacts are produced, shaped, distributed, consumed and responded to in diverse ways. Through discussion, research and writing class members investigate these varied dimensions of culture; learn to understand them in their broader social, aesthetic, ethical, and political contexts. We will ask questions about tribal

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Elementary High School IEFA Middle School
Credits Available
12.00 OPI Credits
12.00 Trade Credits
12.00 Step-Up Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 1 total)
Section 1
Cultural Immersion, An Introduction to Crow Fair   Aug 16, 2024

Addressing Challenges in America's School Libraries **K-12 LIBRARIANS ONLY
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16271

This is a two-part webinar series presented by the American Library Association Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) and sponsored by the American Association of School Librarians (AASL). We will be logging in to a webiar hosted on the American Library Association website. Following the webinar, we will discuss the issues presented and our advocacy efforts in the libraries we serve.

Elementary High School Middle School
Credits Available
4.00 OPI Credits
4.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 1 total)
Section 1
Addressing Challenges in America's School Libraries **K-12 LIBRARIANS ONLY   Aug 21, 2024

Sound Partners for Schools who have purchased the Sound Partners Intervention
Offered By : Billings Public Schools

Course ID : 16272

Teachers utilizing CORE will learn how to utilize Sound Partners as a Tier 2 Intervention.

No tags found.
Credits Available
6.00 OPI Credits
6.00 Trade Credits
No fee.
Upcoming Sections (1 of 1 total)
Section 1
Section 1: Sound Partners for Schools who have purchased the Sound Partners Intervention   Aug 22, 2024

Viewing 1 - 30 of 52 courses found matching your search criteria.
396 courses total.

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415 N. 30th Street

Billings, MT 59101

Phone: 406.281.5000 

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